以下为 Mirantis 博客原文: Is Kubernetes Repeating OpenStack’s Mistakes?
Remember the rise of OpenStack? First there was Amazon and cloud. And then VMware said that cloud can also be private. And then Eucalyptus and CloudStack said that private cloud should be open. And then came Rackspace with OpenStack and said that private cloud should be ever pluggable and flexible. And all the vendors cheered! (And yes, that includes Mirantis). All hail OpenStack, protector of DIY private cloud and conqueror of Amazon!
But in the end few were able to find refuge from AWS through OpenStack. So everybody ran to find new cover. Today that new cover is starting to look a lot like Containers-as-a-Service (aka unstructured PaaS) propelled forward by Google and Kubernetes. We are effectively observing Cloud_Opinion’s law coming in effect: “Every vendor that can’t compete in Cloud chooses hybrid as their strategy.”
Multi-cloud is the new private. Kubernetes is the new OpenStack. But is there an opportunity to learn from the past and do it better this time around? So far, at least some of the parallels are concerning. Let’s examine them…
Before OpenStack there was Eucalyptus and CloudStack. Both were opinionated implementations of a private cloud reference architecture. Their opinionated nature stifled broad customer adoption, but things were chugging along. Then came OpenStack, which played the unopinionated DIY card and the following happened:
Fast forward to today. There is Cloud Foundry and there is OpenShift. Like Eucalyptus and CloudStack, both are opinionated. So things are chugging along, but neither is a runaway success. Both are swimming against the strong current of enterprises’ desire to DIY.
Along comes a Kubernetes-fueled wave of multi-cloud CaaS and, sure enough, unopinionated DIY wins:
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